Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love my job but it's time for bigger and better things with my life. I have been a PI for 25 years and I owe everything I have (and everything I have lost) to my profession. It all started back in 1992, when I was a struggling actor in Hollywood, trying to make ends meet. I met Douglas in LA and he was kind enough to show me the ropes, and fortunately take me away from my job at the The Flowering Tree. Yes I said The Flowering Tree.... So what it's all I could find for work....... Oh did I also tell you that Jim J. Bullock thought I was a stud. Hey I love the gay community they really boost a hetero guys ego like mine.....You may now be saying who the f**k is Jim J. Bullock? he was that flamboyant dude from the 80's show "To Close for Comfort" with Ted Knight. For those guys like me it probably was the beginning of a lifetime of not becuase of Jim J. Bullock, but the two smoking hot girls in the show. OK enough with that story...... So it began my career as PI and I have made a name for myself in the industry, with hard work, dedication, and peristence. So if it is meant to be, maybe I soon will be able to finally have some of those Hollywood dreams come finally come full circle. If not hopefully I have 25 more left in me as a PI.